The City of Waterloo along with TechWorks Campus will act as your company’s advocate to secure local and state business incentives to help ensure the successful location on the TechWorks Campus.
Below is a summary of the types of incentives available:​
Reduced Development Land Price for New Construction on out lots on the TechWorks campus
Property Tax Rebatement of 50% annually or higher for a 5-year term, depending on the size of the project and number of jobs created
Job Training Reimbursement Program - Reimbursement of training expenses related to starting an Iowa operation. Typical reimbursement is $3,000 U.S. per new Iowa job created
Up to 6% Iowa sales tax rebatement for material used to build new facility or build-out to the existing structure
Iowa Research Activities Tax Credit against State of Iowa Corporate Income Tax Liability – Up to 6%
State Corporate Income Tax Credit
State of Iowa Low-Interest Loan and/or Grant (subject to availability & eligibility)
Iowa Innovation Corporation Support Programs: Small Business Innovation Research & Technology Transfer; Industry Applied Research; Proof of Commercial Relevance Program; Innovation Extension Program
Iowa Innovation Acceleration Fund - Funds support commercializing research, launching new start-ups, and accelerating private investment
Iowa Demonstration Fund - Provides financial and technical assistance to encourage high-technology prototype and concept development activities